The Koboi Returns 2023 – 5

In Malay cosmology, the 1. Dunia of Man, animals, plants, objects, spirits is connected to 6. Dasar Laut, the domain of Raja Lebis, via the 2. Pusat Tasik Pauh Janggi which is inhabited by Nagas, Jins, and Garudas (Modified from a diagram after Md. Salleh Yaspar in Malaysian World View edited by Mohd Taib Osman.). This Malay motif of the pusat tasik pauh janggi appears to exemplify a more general Southeast Asian ontological structure

  1. The navel of the sea drains the waters of the world
  2. A submarine tree or world pillar at the navel links the human realm to both the underworld and the skyworld
  3. There are mythic creatures dwelling at the navel of the seas at the base of the tree or pillar
  4. The ebb and flow of tides are due to the movements of the creature blocking the drain at the navel 
  5. The ocean currents are due to water flowing in and out of the drain at the navel 
  6. Earthquakes are caused by creature at navel of the sea shaking the world pillar
  7. There are relationship between these flows to the movement of the Sun and Moon and events like eclipses
  8. Rising sea levels and flooding are associated with the navel of the sea.